Sunday, May 18, 2014

Global Warming

Artist: Paul Cumes
Title: Global warming
Media:  Mixed Media
Dimensions: 72" X 54"
Date: 2001  

Paul Cumes was born in South Africa in 1973. According to his twitter account he alternates on living in Santa Barba and New England. According to his YouTube channel he believes “in freedom in art. I bring life and energy into what I paint.”

On the site Coast to Coast Paul stated that Global warming is about the “effects of global warming on our coastlines. It shows large storm generated waves in succession coming into an already disheveled coastal community, causing erosion and bringing destruction to homes in a symbolic end to our shoreline habitations and communities.” Paul made Global warming after reading articles in which Scientists hypothesized that one of global warming’s effects would be raising sea levels and with that the inundation of coastal cities.

Global warming gave me chills when I first saw it. The waves look unstoppable and like they would destroy more than just coastal cities-the waves sent fear down my spine.  I then noted that Paul Cumes made the sky appear to have multiple suns that made the sky appear as if it were on flames which is a great way to symbolize the increase of temperature global warming will cause. I chose this painting to be part of my exhibition because it sent chills through my spine and I hope it does the same to other people. Global warming will not cause there to be enormous tsunami like waves (at least I haven’t read any articles that have stated so). Reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) have stated that there will be an increase in water level which will lead to inundation and increase temperatures that will effect crop development. Global warming does an excellent job showing the horrendous effects global warming can have while emitting fear down one’s spine which I would hope would make people research about global warming and take action.  
IPCC, 2007: Summary for Policymakers. In: Climate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, M.L. Parry, O.F. Canziani,

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