Monday, May 19, 2014

Exhbition Intoduction

My exhibition's name: Global Warming Causes and Effects 

Artists in the exhibition: Chris Jordan, Bonnie Meltzer, Veronique Le Merre, Joseph Mallord William Turner, Mario Sanchez Nevado, Michael Freedman, Zaria Forman, Nathalie Chavieve, Paul Cumes, and Marie Wise.

Exhibition Statement:  My show is about global warming (I use climate change interchangeably) it causes and effects. My show focuses on the  human factors have caused global warming and why explains why they are contributing to global warming. My show also shows the horrendous effects global warming can have and the beautiful landscapes we can lose (like glaciers). My show is to make anyone who looks at it think- think about their inaction, their indifference, their contribution to global warming. The Majority of Scientists state the global warming is occurring and that there are some changes that can be stopped but others that can. Will you be part of the group that attempts to save the planet?

I did much research and wanted to find all types of artworks that showed what was causing global warming (like coal and our consumerist culture) and luckily I was able to find Chris Jordan's and Bonnie Meltzer's work. I then wanted to find artworks that showed what we risk losing because of global warming that is glaciers, trees, cities and marine animals so I then showed for artists whose focus was the previously states. I then found an artists (Paul Cumes) whose artwork emits a sense of fear of global warming-hopefully a wake up call to much. I then end with an artwork that shows how one of the many things we have to do to halt global warming.


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